You have the right to:
- be treated as a co-worker
- suitable assignment with consideration for personal preference, temperament, abilities, education, training and employment
- know as much about the organization as possible, its policies, people and programmes
- expect clear and open communication from management and staff at all times
- be given appropriate orientation, introduction and provision of information about new developments
- sound guidance and direction in the workplace
- advance notice (where possible) of changes which may affect your work (such as programming changes),
- undertake your volunteer activity without interruption or interference from management, staff or other volunteers
- a place of work complying with statutory requirements in regard to equal employment, anti-discrimination legislation, the Commonwealth Racial Discrimination Act 1975, and occupational health and safety standards
- be heard, to feel free to make suggestions and to be given respect for your honest and constructive opinion
- appropriate insurance cover such as volunteer and public liability insurance
- appropriate grievance procedures in the event of a dispute and, if necessary, mediation or arbitration to assist with resolving the dispute
- receive written notification and reasons for suspension/release of services and a right of reply
- have services appropriately assessed and effectively recognized
- have training provided that will enable participation at the station at a variety of levels