You have the responsibility to:
- have a professional attitude towards your voluntary work
- be prompt, reliable and productive with regard to commitments and agreements made with Hawkesbury Radio
- notify the appropriate person if unable to meet commitments
- accept and abide by station rules
- understand and adhere to the Codes and maintain familiarity with broadcast laws such as defamation law and the Broadcast Services Act 1992
- not to represent Hawkesbury Radio publicly or commercially unless prior arrangement has been made
- not to bring into disrepute the operations, management, staff or other volunteers of Hawkesbury Radio
- treat technical equipment with due care and respect and to notify technical staff of faults and problems
- undertake to complete a minimum of the basic level of training offered at the station if you are intending to work in any area of programming
- only use station resources and equipment in carrying out work for Hawkesbury Radio and not for personal or private purposes
- ensure that the station has your current contact details
- respect the racial and religious backgrounds and the sexual preferences of your co-volunteer workers and work to ensure that Hawkesbury Radio is a safe work place for everyone
- contribute to the achievement of a safe, tolerant and equitable working environment by avoiding, and assisting in preventing, behavior which is discriminatory.